Neptune on Fire was designed to be a look at spirituality through both logical and emotional points of views. As creatures capable of creative thought, we attempt to understand the unknown in many different ways, and in ancient times people attempted to understand the movement of the vast seas that laid before them through religion. Through the unknown of the seas, all of the planets and their moons (including our Moon), and our constantly changing spirituality, Neptune on Fire was composed as an attempt to navigate through this sea of thought. 2:15
Space Time is the fifth and last movement of a set of pieces entitled The Elements: Five Sound Poems for Violin and Ensemble, performed and recorded on Saturday, August 6, 2011 at the “Strings Music Festival” in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. “I have for many years, been fascinated by books and articles on astrophysics – topics like black holes, string theory, especially the concept of another dimension through which someday, we may be able to travel through time. And it is this concept that I have depicted in the fifth movement of the The Elements.” 3:15
All We Are is a voyage through the macrocosm of your mind and the entirety of the cosmos simultaneously. It ponders questions of being and purpose, life itself, and the inherent beauty and interconnectedness of the universe. 3:07
Twelve alchemical royal metals that represents a full spectrum of melting points: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, mercury, lead, platinum, zinc, cobalt, nickel, magnesium
Thirty six purified waters from 18 rivers, geysers, 5 oceans, lakes, glaciers, wells, and springs representing the very new and very old waters, and the very high and very low waters.
1mm sample of concentrated and dried blood from 33 different artists
Concentrated sap that forms a powerful aroma from 52 different species of flowering plants – each flower blooms at a different time of the year. This represents the time when flowering plants evolved on Earth very quickly and the Earth became alive with scent and color.
Concentrated sap that forms a powerful aroma from 44 different species of trees as a representation of tree-life.