
From Wikipedia

Wikipedia entry on the MoonArk.

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CMU’s Iris and MoonArk leave Pittsburgh heading to the moon

From AubreesNews

“It was surreal,” said Nikolai Stefanov, a final-year physics and computer science student and head of mission control. “It’s not like we’re just shipping it anywhere. We’ll send it to the moon. The next time we see Iris, she will be on the lunar surface.”

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CMU’s Iris, MoonArk Leave Pittsburgh En Route to the Moon

From Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University has started its historic journey to the moon. 

Iris, a tiny, lightweight lunar rover built by CMU students, and MoonArk, a collaborative sculpture project led by faculty, students and alumni, left Pittsburgh on Friday morning en route to their launch pad in Florida. 

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Carnegie Mellon Students Shoot for the Moon

From Assembly

A mobile robot built by engineers at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) will reach the Moon before NASA astronauts. The four-wheeled device, dubbed Iris, features a carbon-fiber composite body about the size of a shoebox and wheels that are designed to survive the harsh lunar environment. 

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Kultura / Televizija Slovenija

From RTV 365 / Slovenia

Kultura je kratka aktualna informativna oddaja o kulturi in umetnosti, v kateri se praviloma izpostavljajo osrednji dogodki dneva. V njej najdejo prostor tudi mednarodne novice in problemske teme. V ustvarjanje oddaje so vključeni dopisniki doma in v tujini.
Kultura is a short current information program about culture and art, in which the main events of the day are usually highlighted. International news and problematic topics also find a place in it. Correspondents at home and abroad are involved in the creation of the show.

Click here to watch the program.

Recommendation: painter Teja Krašek and physicist Janko Jelenc

From VAL 202 / Slovenia

In the late 1960s, a group of artists smuggled a small ceramic reel of six miniature paintings on board the Apollo 12 lunar mission, which they named the Moon Museum. In the near future, however, a larger and more elaborate object, an artifact of humanity in the form of a time capsule, the MoonArk miniature museum, will travel to the Moon. The flight was scheduled for next Thursday, May 4, but there was a complication during the testing of the rocket on which the MoonArk will be loaded, and so the flight was postponed, the new date is not yet known.

Listen to the interview here.


From Wired

A BOXY, 7.5-FOOT-TALL spacecraft is making its final approach to the moon, where it will make history—if it touches down safely. It’s poised to be the first commercial lander to set its robotic feet there, with competitors sure to follow.

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Alumni create MoonArk, a tiny museum bound for moon

From University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign / Department of Chemistry

The time capsule will carry Murphy Group nanorods to moon’s surface.

When Astrobotic’s Peregrine lunar lander launches from Cape Canaveral on its way to the moon, the payload will include the MoonArk, a 10-ounce time capsule that was designed by Illinois alumni to last on the surface of the moon for thousands of years.

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Kalahkan NASA, Para Mahasiswa Ini akan Daratkan Penjelajah AS Pertama di Bulan

From Tren Asia / Indonesia

PENNSYLVANIA-Para mahasiswa di Carnegie Mellon University akan mengirimkan penjelajah bulan pertama Amerika ke bulan Mei ini. Mereka mengalahkan badan antariksa Amerika NASA sekitar satu tahun.

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First US lunar rover headed to the moon and college students made it

From WPTZ Plattsburgh-Burlington

The U.S. has had quite a presence on the moon throughout history. We landed the first person on its surface, staked the first flag, brought back samples, and we’re headed back in just a few years. But strangely, there’s one thing the United States has never done.

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First US lunar rover headed to the moon and college students made it

From WCVB Boston

‘Iris’ the small and lightweight rover will ride to the lunar surface on the rocket-powered Peregrine lander.

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First US lunar rover headed to the moon and college students made it

From KCRA Sacramento

‘Iris’ the small and lightweight rover will ride to the lunar surface on the rocket-powered Peregrine lander.

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Xe tự hành Mặt trăng đầu tiên của Mỹ là do sinh viên phát triển

From Lao Dong / Vietnam

Không phải NASA, xe tự hành Mặt trăng đầu tiên của Mỹ là do một nhóm sinh viên chế tạo.

Sau 65 năm khám phá mặt trăng, Mỹ cuối cùng cũng sẽ đưa xe tự hành đầu tiên của mình lên mặt trăng. Nhưng nhiệm vụ này sẽ không được chỉ đạo bởi các kỹ sư của NASA.

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College Students May Soon Be Sending a Rover to the Moon Before NASA Does; Here’s What You Need to Know About the Shoebox-Sized ‘Iris’

From The Science Times

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) students will be the first to deploy America’s lunar rover all the way to the moon by May. This will come a year earlier than NASA’s Artemis II.

This comes after more than six decades of lunar exploration. Live Science also notes that this autonomous rover will be the first sent by the US all the way to the moon.

What’s more, NASA engineers and astronomers did not work on this launch. The rover is the brainchild of dedicated college students from CMU.

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The First U.S. Lunar Rover is Headed to the Moon (and Students Made It!)

From Popular Mechanics

The U.S. has had quite a presence on the Moon throughout history. We landed the first person on its surface, staked the first flag, brought back samples, and we’re headed back in just a few years. But strangely, there’s one thing the United States has never done.

Continue reading the article here.

Nanoarte brasileira fará parte do 1º Museu da Lua…

From Podero 360

Obras do artista plástico brasileiro Enio Longo, integrante do núcleo de criatividade do Projeto Nanoarte no CDMF (Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais), farão parte de uma espécie de museu que será criado na Lua. Trata-se do “Moon Arts Project“, dirigido pelo artista Mark Baskinger. A iniciativa está ligada à Carnegie Mellon University, nos Estados Unidos, que pretende lançar, em 4 de maio, o 1º museu para a Lua a bordo de um módulo de pouso Astrobotic….

Leia mais no texto original: (

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Egy csapat egyetemista a NASA-t megelőzve indít rovert a Holdra

From Helló Magyar / Ukraine

65 évnyi holdkutatás után az Egyesült Államok végre a Holdra helyezi első autonóm járművét. Ezt a küldetést azonban nem a NASA mérnökei fogják irányítani – hanem egy elkötelezett egyetemistákból álló csoport. Az Iris rovert a pennsylvaniai Carnegie Mellon Egyetem diákjai és oktatói fejlesztették ki három év alatt. A Holdra a NASA kereskedelmi célú holdi teherszállítási szolgáltatási programjának (CLPS) részeként szállítják, amely az ügynökségnek a kereskedelmi űrkutatási iparral való együttműködésre irányuló törekvése. Az eredeti tervek szerint 2021 végén vagy 2022 elején indult volna, de a NASA holdprogramjában bekövetkezett visszalépések miatt a start idén tavaszra csúszott a Live Science szerint.

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Students set to land first US rover on the moon – before NASA

From yahoo! news

After 65 years of lunar exploration, the United States is finally going to put its first autonomous rover on the moon. But this mission won’t be helmed by NASA engineers — instead, it is the brainchild of a dedicated group of college students.

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Students set to land first US rover on the moon — before NASA

From LiveScience

Students at Carnegie Mellon University are sending America’s first lunar rover to the moon this May, beating NASA to the punch by about a year.

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Students outpace NASA with Moon rover launch

From Shift Delete / Türkiye

Students from Carnegie Mellon University prepare for a groundbreaking mission by sending the Iris rover and MoonArk sculpture to the moon.

A team of ambitious students from Carnegie Mellon University is on the brink of achieving an extraordinary milestone in space exploration: launching a rover to the moon before the United States’ space agency, NASA. The innovative Iris rover, accompanied by a thought-provoking art project called MoonArk, is set to blast off on May 4th, heralding a new era in lunar research.

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Estudantes vão ser mais rápidos do que a NASA — e ter um rover na Lua já em maio

From ZAP, aeiou / Portugal

E a Lua volta a ser assunto frequente nas notícias, décadas depois. No início desta semana a NASA apresentou os quatro astronautas que vão à Lua em 2024; ou seja, 52 anos depois da última missão Apollo.

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Команда студентов собирается опередить НАСА в лунной миссии

From Gismeteo / Russia

По словам участницы коллектива Рэйвин Дюваль, сотни студентов тысячи часов работали над тем, чтобы реализовать собственную миссию, запустив созданный ими аппарат.

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Öğrenciler tarafından geliştirilen çılgın MoonArk projesi, NASA’yı alt etmek üzere

From CHIP / Türkiye

Sadece öğrencilerden kurulu bir ekip tarafından inşa edilen Ay keşif aracı, NASA’dan önce Ay’a ulaşarak tarih yazmak istiyor.

Öğrencilerden oluşan bir ekip, Ay ile ilgili ilklerden birinde NASA’yı geçmek ve Ay’a NASA’dan önce bir gezici yollamak üzere. Carnegie Mellon Üniversitesi öğrencilerinden oluşan ekip, Iris keşif aracı ve MoonArk adlı ek bir heykel projesinin 4 Mayıs’ta fırlatılmasını amaçlıyor.

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Primul rover american pe Lună nu va fi de la NASA: cine are șanse să învingă „legenda”

From Playtech / Romania

Echipa de studenți de la Universitatea Carnegie Mellon se așteaptă ca roverul Iris și un proiect suplimentar de sculptură numit MoonArk să fie lansate pe 4 mai.

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A Group Of Students Is About To Put A Rover On The Moon Before NASA

From IFL Science

A team of students is about to beat NASA to a lunar first: sending a rover to the Moon before they have. The team of students from Carnegie Mellon University expect the Iris rover, and an additional sculpture project named MoonArk, to launch on May 4. 

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Minimuseu na Lua terá nanoarte de brasileiro

From Olhar Digital / Brazil

Um minúsculo artefato desenvolvido pela Universidade Carnegie Mellon, nos EUA, será anexado a um pequeno lander, previsto para ser enviado no próximo mês à Lua, para funcionar como uma espécie de minimuseu lunar.

Chamado MoonArk (Arca da Lua), a iniciativa faz parte do projeto Moon Arts, dirigido por uma equipe de professores da instituição norte-americana, e que vai chegar à Lua por meio de um módulo de pouso desenvolvido pela empresa privada Astrobotic.

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NASA beffata: un gruppo di studenti sta per lanciare il primo rover sulla Luna

From Scienze Notizie / Italy

Un gruppo di studenti universitari americani pronti a inviare il primo rover lunare sulla Luna.

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At the heart of Carnegie Mellon University’s moonshot is a shoebox-sized giant

From Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Center stage in Carnegie Mellon University’s planned trip to the moon next month is a boxy little rover with a lot to prove.

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Nanoarte brasileira fará parte do primeiro Museu da Lua

From tilt vol / Brazil

Obras do artista plástico brasileiro Enio Longo, membro do núcleo de criatividade do Projeto Nanoarte no Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais (CDMF), farão parte de uma espécie de museu que será criado na Lua. Trata-se do Moon Arts Project, dirigido pelo artista Mark Baskinger. A iniciativa está ligada à Carnegie Mellon University (Estados Unidos), que pretende enviar, no dia 4 de maio, o primeiro museu para a Lua a bordo de um módulo de pouso Astrobotic.

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Brazilian nanoart will be part of the first Moon Museum

From Agencia FAPESP

Works by Brazilian artist Enio Longo, member of the creativity nucleus of the Nanoarte Project at the Center for Development of Functional Materials ( CDMF ), will be part of a kind of museum that will be created on the Moon.

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‘Mecnunum Leylamı gördüm’ kapsülle Ay’a gönderilecek

From Hürriyet / Türkiye

Ankara Müzik ve Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi Dr. Erberk Eryılmaz’ın ‘Mecnunum Leylamı Gördüm’ adlı türküden esinlenerek bestelediği ‘Ay mıydı, gün müydü yüzü?’ isimli türkü, ‘The MoonArk’ kapsülüyle 4 Mayıs’ta Ay’a gönderilecek. Eryılmaz, “Anadolu kültüründen yola çıkan bir müziği her gece yüzüne baktığımız, nesiller boyunca üzerine hayal kurduğumuz Ay’a gönderiyor olabilmek benim için rüya gibi” diyor.

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Students will send the first American rover to the moon, ahead of NASA

From ZME Science

CMU will beat NASA to the punch with launch of the first American lunar rover.

Carnegie Mellon University is set to make history as it launches a tiny, lightweight rover called Iris, and MoonArk, a “collaborative sculpture project” to the Moon. A United Launch Alliance (ULA) rocket will carry the university’s projects to the moon, with the earliest possible launch date on May 4.

Continue reading here.

ทีมนักศึกษาสหรัฐฯ ตั้งเป้าส่งยานรถสำรวจลงดวงจันทร์ก่อนนาซา

From True ID / Thailand

ทีมนักศึกษาจากมหาวิทยาลัยคาร์เนกีเมลลอน ประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา เตรียมเปิดตัวไอริส โรเวอร์ (Iris Rover) รถหุ่นยนต์สำรวจดวงจันทร์ ในวันที่ 4 พฤษภาคม พร้อมตั้งเป้าลงจอดบนดวงจันทร์ก่อนนาซา ยกระดับสำรวจอวกาศระดับมหาวิทยาลัยไปสู่การผลิตบุคลากรด้านวิศวกรรมศาสตร์อวกาศและสาขาที่เกี่ยวข้องอย่างมีคุณภาพ

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They will send the first nanorover designed by students to the Moon

From eldiario

A nanorover (small space car) called Iris was built by a group of students from Caregi Mellon University, in the United States, with the purpose of traveling to the Moon to explore its surface. 

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El primer nanorover despegará a la Luna en el día de Star Wars para explorar su superficie

From 20 bits / Spain

Iris es un pequeño y ligero rover lunar que han construido entre varios estudiantes de la Universidad Caregie Mellon (CMU). El 4 de mayo, día declarado por los fans como el día de Star Wars, el robot se lanzará junto a MoonArk, un proyecto de escultura colaborativo realizado por profesores, estudiantes y exalumnos del mismo centro educativo.

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Not NASA, this university’s students will send the first American lunar rover to the Moon on May 4

From Interesting Engineering

Come May 4, Carnegie Mellon University students will launch a tiny, lightweight rover called Iris, and MoonArk, a “collaborative sculpture project” led by faculty, students, and alumni, to the Moon, before NASA.

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Iris Rover Team Prepares for May Launch

From Carnegie Mellon University

May the Fourth be with you.

Carnegie Mellon University will have its eyes on the sky on May 4, and not because of Star Wars.

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Science With a Twist

From ThermoFischer Scientific

Many of us have created time capsules — boxes filled with objects from when we were growing up — and buried them in the backyard for future generations to discover. However, a group of experts from various fields have taken this to the next level and created a time capsule that will be sent to the moon.

In this episode of Science with a Twist, our host Sung-Dae Hong welcomes Dylan Vitone, Mark Baskinger, and Matt Zywica. Mark, Dylan, and Matt are associate professors at Carnegie Mellon University, School of Design, and the creators of one of the ultimate time capsules — the mysterious and innovative MoonArk.

Listen to the Podcast here.

MoonArk bo na Luno ponesel tudi slovenska nanoartovska dela

From Radio-Television Slovenia

Our collaborators Teja Krašek and Janko Jelenc were interviewed by Radio-Television of Slovenia.

Sondi Voyager sta v sedemdesetih ponesli s seboj v vesolje vsaka svojo zlato ploščo s podatki o človeški civilizaciji: fotografije, pozdrave v različnih jezikih, glasbo in zvoke z našega planeta. Nekomu tam zunaj so želeli naš planet predstaviti v čim bolj celostni, nesovražni luči. Že prej pa je skupina umetnikov na vesoljsko odpravo Apollo 12 pretihotapila majhen keramičen kolut s šestimi miniaturnimi slikami, ki so ga poimenovali Moon Museum. Letos bo na Luno odpotoval večji in bolj dovršen predmet, artefakt človeštva v obliki časovne kapsule, miniaturni muzej MoonArk, ki bo z deli 250 umetnikov z vsega sveta nekakšen prvi muzej na Luni. Med deli so tudi nanoartovska dela likovne umetnice Teje Krašek in znanstvenika Janka Jelenca.

Na naslovnici oddaje vidimo kopijo slike Janka Jelenca, ki gre na Luno nosi naslov Forest (Gozd). Slika je bila posneta z vrstičnim tunelskim mikroskopom, prikazuje pa površino poliranega jekla. Realna velikost prikazane površine je 800 nanometrov, kar je nekoliko manj od tisočinke milimetra. Če tako sliko prikažemo na kvadratnem posterju velikosti 80cm, govorimo o povečavi 1 milijon.

Listen to the interview here.

Space 2023: Major Test of NASA’s Commercial Moon Program as Armada of Landers Head for Lunar Surface

From Parabolic Arc

In April 2018, NASA announced that it would no longer build robotic moon landers, but that it would pay private companies to deliver instruments to the surface under its new Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program.

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Top 10 Pittsburgh events in November, from Three Rivers Film Festival to holiday happenings

From NEXT Pittsburgh

Whether you’re already baking, wrapping and stringing garland — or you’re hiding under the covers until Jan. 1 — November has arrived to light up our city’s main streets, public spaces and even some unexpected places. From cinema to chocolate to the cosmos, we’ve got 10 reasons to get out there and embrace the Burgh before the snow falls.

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MoonArk Twin Joins Permanent Collection at the Smithsonian

From Carnegie Mellon University

A copy of the MoonArk, a cultural payload headed to the moon in late 2022, has just been added to the permanent art collection of the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum.

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MoonArk Twin Joins Permanent Collection at the Smithsonian

From CMU School of Design

A copy of the MoonArk, a cultural payload headed to the moon in late 2022, has just been added to the permanent art collection of the Smithsonian’s National Air & Space Museum.

A cultural marker designed to last hundreds of thousands of years on the Moon, the MoonArk is envisioned to spark wonderment for future humans through poetically entangled visual narratives of the arts, humanities, sciences and technologies, the MoonArk will be the cultural payload on the first private delivery to the lunar service by Pittsburgh company and CMU spin-off, Astrobotic.

Continue reading here.

NASA Helps Private Lander Shoot for the Moon


Astrobotic’s lunar landing program, launching in 2022, carries NASA and commercial payloads

Autonomous robots building the shelters and other structures astronauts need before they even land is an exciting idea, but is it practical? Testing such a venture on Earth won’t prove it can be done on the Moon: up there, dust might interfere with machine parts and low gravity influences performance. However, a realistic test will take place when Astrobotic’s Peregrine lands on the Moon.

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CMU students ready to make history with moon rover

From NEXT Pittsburgh

It’s not rocket science; they’re leaving that to others.

This is a challenge of a different sort: make a moon rover small enough and light enough to go into space aboard Astrobotic Technology’s Peregrine lander — yet tough enough to withstand the rigors of landing on the moon.

Now, the Carnegie Mellon University students are done and Iris is ready to go up.

Continue reading here.

Ask me about … encapsulating humanity for the Moon and beyond

From Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Mark Baskinger has promised the moon to hundreds of people over the past decade.

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Lunar artefact – a time capsule for the future

From Room: Issue #1(23) 2020 Lounge

Carnegie Mellon’s MoonArk, headed for the Moon in 2021, is more than a mini time capsule. This highly collaborative and massively integrated project is both a sculptural work of art and a tiny museum of humankind, intended to spark wonderment for future humans through poetically entangled visual narratives of the arts, humanities, sciences and technologies. It represents a snapshot of Earth today that we can send forward in time to allow future humans to learn something about us. Project director Mark Baskinger explains that the MoonArk, built to last thousands of years, will be a fossil object for future Moon landings, an artefact that will link the discoverer to the complexities of a distant era. Continue reading here.

JMU professor involved in sending art exhibit to the moon

From JMU Breeze

When JMU art professor Mark Rooker was offered a chance to help send an art exhibit to the moon, he was thrilled. Continue reading here.

Museum on the Moon: An Interview with the MoonArk Team

From Arts Management & Technology Laboratory

In this episode, Alyssa interviews Matt Zywica, Dylan Vitone, and Mark Baskinger of MoonArk, the time capsule and micro museum that is scheduled to go to the moon in 2021. Together, they discuss the organizational process of collaborating with up to 300 artists, the challenges of the ten-year-long project, and the final product that will make its way to space. Continue reading or listen to the Podcast here.

Poems about the moon are going to the moon

From Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

A team from Carnegie Mellon plans to send an art collection to the moon in 2021. Continue reading here.

MoonArk will be a philosophical mini-museum, left on the moon for future explorers to discover

From CNN

Earth is giving a gift to the moon that will land on the lunar surface next year.The nine-ounce MoonArk — a tiny time capsule-esque artifact of humanity — will be attached to a small lunar rover. This is in the hopes that one day it may be picked up by lunar explorers — hundreds or thousands of years in the future. Continue reading here.

How to send messages 10,000 years into the future

From Popular Science

Corroded, wrecked, and half-buried for 2,000 years like an accidental time capsule, the Statue of Liberty that looms over Charlton Heston in the final scene of the original Planet of the Apes is a literal symbol of humanity’s missteps: a horrible communiqué from the distant past about atomic annihilation. In the real world, many linguists, designers, and scientists are puzzling over how to intentionally send millennia-spanning messages to recipients whose languages, senses, and fears could bear little resemblance to our own. Continue reading here.

What works of art have been sent to the moon?

From Libération

From the first steps on our sister star, artists have dreamed of sending their productions. As a consecration, but also to leave, in the vast universe, an imperishable trace of humanity.

Continue reading here.

MoonArk: A fossil object for future moon landings

From Carnegie Mellon University

As the moon landing’s 50th anniversary prompts reflections on the past and upcoming 50 years, the designers of a cultural marker for the moon have their sights set on the next 1,000 and beyond.

Watch the video here.

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Famed CMU Roboticists Help Shape Future of Space Exploration

From Carnegie Mellon University

David Wettergreen found himself in the Nevada desert a few weeks ago with a group of his students and a machine named Zoë. The Carnegie Mellon University robot rolled through the desert carrying a spectrometer, a device that measures wavelengths of light in the electromagnetic spectrum. As Zoë used the instrument to analyze minerals, Wettergreen and his crew focused more on what it would decide to do next.

Continue reading here.

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CMU To Send Mini-Time Capsule of Humankind to the Moon

From Carnegie Mellon University

As the moon landing’s 50th anniversary prompts reflections on the past and future, the designers of a cultural marker for the moon have their sights set on the next 1,000 years and beyond.

Continue reading here.

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Lowry Burgess, the Godfather of Space Art, Talks About His Plan to Shoot an ‘Ark’ Into Space

From artnet news

As you likely know by now, this year marks the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. What you may not know is that it also marks the 50th anniversary of art’s introduction to space.

Continue reading here.

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Apollo Chamber Players Celebrate Apollo 11 And DeQuina Moore Stars in The Ensemble Theater’s “Josephine Tonight”

From Houston Public Media

In this episode of “Unwrap Your Candies Now,” Catherine Lu chats with the Apollo Chamber Players’ Artistic Director, founder and violinist Matthew Detrick and composer Erberk Eryilmaz about their July 6th concert at NASA in honor of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11. The centerpiece of the program will be a movement from Erylimaz’s Was Her Face the Moon or Sunlight? – a piece that will be sent to the moon in 2021 as part of The MoonArk project.

Listen here.

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A Tiny Art Museum Is Headed To The Moon In 2021


Art that’s out of this world
(0:00 – 12:39)

Capturing the essence of humanity in an 8-ounce work of art is no small feat, but that’s exactly what the team of artists who created the MoonArk are trying to do. Their project will travel to the moon in 2021 aboard a 4-pound robotic rover built by Carnegie Mellon University.

Listen to the program here.

CIENCIA La foto muestra la mini luna de la NASA


La Agencia Espacial de la NASA ha mostrado otro nuevo invento: un pequeño vehículo lunar, creado en conjunto con la empresa Astrobotic. Sus dimensiones son acordes con la caja de zapatos, pero a pesar del tamaño, el dispositivo realmente tiene muchas posibilidades.

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カーネギーメロン大学(CMU)は、月面探査車(ローバー)とアートパッケージを月に送るプロジェクトを計画中だ。 いずれも、CMUが排出した宇宙開発企業、Astrobotic社によって月に届けられる。最近Astrobotic…

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Ρομποτικό όχημα και… έργο τέχνης στη Σελήνη το 2021


Ένα ρομποτικό όχημα και ένα «πακέτο» τέχνης σκοπεύει να στείλει στη Σελήνη τον Ιούλιο του 2021 το Carnegie Mellon University.

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W ramach programu Artemis na Księżyc trafi „pudełko na buty z kółkami”


NASA w ramach programu Artemis i CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) zgromadziła przy sobie trzech prywatnych partnerów, wśród których znalazł się zespół z uniwersytetu Carnegie Melon. Ten przygotował dla agencji robota ze zdjęciami, muzyką i wierszami opakowanymi w „pudełku na buty z kółkami”.

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Первый в истории американский робот-луноход отправится на Луну в 2021 году

From Техкульт

Университет Карнеги-Меллона (США) анонсировал отправку собственного роботизированного лунохода к спутнику Земли через два года. Этот аппарат станет первым американским комплексом такого типа на Луне – прежде NASA не запускало подобных миссий. Частные американские компании, вроде Astrobotic, уже взялись заполнить этот пробел — поэтому космическое агентство решило оперативно включиться в игру.

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ارسال اولین کاوشگر رباتیک آمریکا به ماه

From Iranian Students' News Agency

دانشگاه “کارنگی ملون” آمریکا اولین کاوشگر رباتیک این کشور در کره ماه را سال ۲۰۲۱ به قمر کره زمین خواهد فرستاد.

Read the full story here.

Carnegie Mellon rover and MoonArk art project headed to the moon


Two Carnegie Mellon University creations will be sent to the moon in 2021, aboard a Peregrine lander built by Pittsburgh company Astrobotic.

Read the full story here.

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Lander Peregrine moet onbemande rover op de maan zetten


Ter voorbereiding van de komst van astronauten in 2024 reikte de NASA dit jaar een geldsom uit aan drie commerciële instanties om een scala aan (wetenschappelijke) apparatuur op de maan te zetten.

Read the full story here.

Первый луноход NASA будет запущен в 2021 году, и он меньше обувной коробки


Космическое агентство NASA достигло многих высот в космической сфере, но в некоторых моментах оно сильно отстает от агентств и частных компаний других стран.

Read the full story here.

CMU plans to land a tiny rover on the moon in 2021. It’s the first of its kind in the U.S.

From Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

If all goes as planned, Carnegie Mellon University wants to send the first U.S. robotic moon rover to space in July 2021. The university in Oakland is contracting with Astrobotic, one of three private space companies that NASA has funded to carry payloads to the lunar surface.

Read the full story here.

Крошечный ровер отправится к Луне в 2021 году

From Популярная Механика

Университет Карнеги — Мелона анонсировал планы по отправке ровера на Луну в июле 2021 года. Стоит отметить, что зонд должен стать первым американским беспилотным ровером на поверхности естественного спутника Земли.

Read more here.

NASA wants to send three scientific missions to the Moon over the next two years

From Geek Week

The Americans were the first to land on the Moon, and the best of all countries in the world knew this object, but so far they failed to send an unmanned rover there. Soon, however, they will want to change it.

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Carnegie Mellon Is Sending Music, Poems, and a Shoebox with Wheels to the Moon

From Popular Mechanics

More details are emerging about what exactly will be heading to the Moon as part of NASA’s Artemis program. The Agency recently announced three private partners with its Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program to deliver scientific payloads to the Moon. One of them will be a four-wheeled robotic rover and arts package from Carnegie Mellon University.

Read more here.

Carnegie Mellon University will send the first American robotic rover to the Moon in 2021

From QUO

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has announced that it plans to send the first unmanned American rover to the Moon in July 2021. Under the direction of the director of the Robotics Institute William “Red” Whittaker, the four-wheel miniature robot will travel to the Moon aboard CMU’s Astrobotic Peregrine landing module along with 14 other scientific payloads, and will carry a miniature art gallery on its journey.

Read more here.

CMU and Astrobotic team up for 2021 moon landing

From Next Pittsburgh

After almost 50 years without a visit, America is going back to the moon, and Pittsburgh-based researchers are leading the charge.

On May 31, the Strip District-based robotics company Astrobotic finalized a $79.5 million contract to deliver 14 payloads to the lunar surface starting in July of 2021. They’re one of the first private partners of NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program.

Read more here.

Carnegie Mellon Robot, Art Project To Land on Moon in 2021

From Robotics Business Review

PITTSBURGH — Carnegie Mellon University is going to the moon, sending a robotic rover and an intricately designed arts package scheduled land in July 2021.

The Carnegie Mellon robot is a four-wheeled robot in development by a team led by William “Red” Whittaker, a professor in the Robotics Institute. Equipped with video cameras, it will be one of the first American rovers to explore the moon’s surface. Despite NASA landing the first humans on the moon almost 50 years ago, it has never launched a robotic lunar rover.

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Carnegie Mellon Rover And MoonArk Art Project Headed To The Moon


Two Carnegie Mellon University creations will be sent to the moon in 2021, aboard a Peregrine lander built by Pittsburgh company Astrobotic.

Read the full story here.

CMU rover, art package going to moon


Carnegie Mellon University is sending a robotic rover and an art package to the moon. The rover, which is being developed by a CMU team, is equipped with video cameras. It will land in July 2021 and will be one of the first American rovers to explore the moon’s surface, according to CMU.

“We are excited to expand our knowledge of the moon and develop lunar technology that will assist NASA in its goal of landing astronauts on the lunar surface by 2024,” J. Michael McQuade, CMU’s vice president of research, said.

Read more here.

CMU Sending A Rover And Miniature Museum To The Moon

From KDKA NewsRadio

Carnegie Mellon University is headed to the moon!  Two creations – a robotic rover – and a miniature museum will be on board a lander to be launched in 2021.

Read the full story here.

Carnegie Mellon University Sending Robot To The Moon

From CBS Pittsburgh

Carnegie Mellon University is going to the moon. The Pittsburgh university is developing a rover that is expected to land on the moon in July 2021.The robot will be one of the first American rovers to explore the surface of the moon.

Read the full story here.

CMU sending rover, art project to moon in 2021

From Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Carnegie Mellon University plans to send a robotic rover and an arts package to the moon in July 2021.

Read the full story here.

Carnegie Mellon Robot, Art Project To Land on Moon in 2021

From Carnegie Mellon University News

Carnegie Mellon University is going to the moon, sending a robotic rover and an intricately designed arts package that will land in July 2021.

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CMU To Put Robotic Rover On The Moon


Nearly 50 years after man first set foot on the moon, Carnegie Mellon University announced it intends to land a robotic rover there in July 2021. Not even NASA has put a robotic rover on the moon before.

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Carnegie Mellon University to send first US robotic rover to the Moon in 2021

From New Atlas

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has announced that it plans to send the first American unmanned rover to the Moon in July 2021. Under the direction of Robotics Institute director William “Red” Whittaker, the miniature four-wheeled robot will ride to the Moon aboard CMU’s Astrobotic Peregrine lander along with 14 other scientific payloads, and will be taking a miniature art gallery on its journey.

Read more here.

Space Carnegie Mellon University to send first US robotic rover to the Moon in 2021 – New Atlas

From Workforce Development Technology News Network

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has announced that it plans to send the first American unmanned rover to the Moon in July 2021. The miniature four-wheeled …

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MoonArk Exhibition in Paris Highlights Artwork of JMU Professor


Mark Rooker, JMU metals and jewelry area coordinator and professor, is riding high after a trip to Paris where his work on the MoonArk project was showcased at the world-renowned Center Pompidou in the Hors Pistes Festival…

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“MoonArk”, le projet fou qui va envoyer des œuvres d’art et… des SMS sur la lune

From Télérama

Envoyer sur la lune une œuvre racontant notre histoire, dans l’espoir que ses futurs habitants la découvrent dans quelques milliers d’années : voici le projet “MoonArk”, porté par des chercheurs américains, présenté actuellement au Centre Pompidou à Paris.

Read the full story here.

La Lune : zone imaginaire à défendre, événement au Centre Pompidou

From franceinfo

En ce jubilée de l’alunissage de la mission Apollo 11 le 29 juillet 1969, le Centre Pompidou à Paris consacre sa 14e programmation “Hors-Pistes” (projections, installations, performances, conférences) à l’astre sélène.

Read the full story here.

La Lune : zone imaginaire à défendre, événement au Centre Pompidou


En ce jubilée de l’alunissage de la mission Apollo 11 le 29 juillet 1969, le Centre Pompidou à Paris consacre sa 14e programmation “Hors-Pistes” (projections, installations, performances, conférences) à l’astre sélène.

Read the full story here. 

Hors-Pistes au Centre Pompidou 2019, le festival gratuit spécial Lune


Le Centre Pompidou renouvelle son festival gratuit Hors-Pistes, pour une 14e édition du 18 janvier au 3 février 2019. Au programme du Festival Hors-Pistes, des rendez-vous pour analyser l’attrait de la Lune sur le cinéma, l’art contemporain et la pensée.

Read the full story here.

Vous avez rendez-vous avec la lune au Centre Pompidou

From Art Critique

50 ans après Neil Armstrong, c’est au public de désormais poser un pied sur la lune. Mais une lune artistique cette fois-ci, avec la 14e édition du festival pluridisciplinaire de l’image en mouvement Hors Pistes, au Centre Pompidou.

Read the full story here.

Pourquoi il faut aller voir la formidable exposition consacrée aux mystères de la Lune

From Les Inrockuptibles

Au Centre Pompidou, le festival HORS PISTES explore la face cachée de la Lune : ses enjeux géopolitiques, technologiques et stratégiques.

Read the full story here.

CMU team launching first museum to be located on the moon

From Pittsburgh Business Times

A team of 65 collaborators, and in total over 300 individuals, set out to create an artifact to illustrate Earth today — “a non-encyclopedic view of humanity.”

Read the full story here.

Hors Pistes festival, la Lune au Centre Pompidou

From eVous

Le festival pluridisciplinaire Hors Pistes poursuit son travail d’investigation autour de grands sujets d’actualité et leurs échos dans le champ du cinéma, de l’art contemporain et de la pensée.

Read the full story here.

Au Centre Pompidou, le festival Hors Pistes sur toutes les faces de la Lune

From Le Monde

La première empreinte de l’homme sur la surface poudreuse de la Lune a 50 ans. Ce jubilé lunaire draine une marée d’événements, notamment dans les musées. En avril, à Paris, le Grand Palais consacrera ainsi une rétrospective au rayonnement de l’astre dans les arts.

Read the full story here.

Astrobotic’s journey to create an economic ecosystem for the moon

From Pittsburgh Business Times

The Pittsburgh startups sees a sustainable business plan in flying payloads to the surface of the moon.

Read the full story here.

VIDEO. Une œuvre d’art bientôt envoyée sur la Lune pour “communiquer avec les peuples de demain”


“L’idée du Moonark, c’est d’envoyer un artefact culturel sur la Lune”, résume Mark Baskinger, professeur de design industriel à l’origine de ce projet fou.

Read the full story here.

Hors pistes, aller-retour Terre-Lune

From Le Quotidien de l'Art

Pour sa 14e édition le festival Hors Pistes, au Centre George Pompidou (du 18 janvier au 3 février), célèbre les 50 ans du fameux premier pas de Neil Armstrong. Sous la direction de Géraldine Gomez, « La Lune : Zone imaginaire à défendre » s’interroge sur notre rapport à l’astre de la nuit, avec différentes approches, portant sur la littérature (avec une installation d’Agnes Meyer-Brandis) ou les implications technologiques et géopolitiques.

Read the full story here.

Le Centre Pompidou explore les faces cachées de la Lune

From Le Figaro

Vendredi soir, la 14e édition du festival Hors Pistes a été lancée. Au programme cette année : une lecture critique de la conquête spatiale et de la future exploitation de notre satellite naturel.

Read the full story here.

Redécouvrez les imaginaires de la Lune au Centre Pompidou

From Usbek & Rica

Du 18 janvier au 3 février 2019, le Centre Pompidou s’envole pour la Lune, qu’il explore sous le prisme de l’art contemporain. Un voyage poétique et politique à ne pas rater.

Read the full story here.

Bon plan – Festival Hors Pistes au Centre Pompidou

From Arts in the City

Pour sa 14e édition, le festival pluridisciplinaire de l’image en mouvement du Centre Pompidou pose un pied sur la lune – 50 ans après Neil Amstrong, première empreinte humaine sur le sol de cendre – et explore l’astre sœur de la Terre et ses échos dans le champ de l’image et de l’art contemporain.

Read the full story here.

“Hors Pistes – 14e édition” La lune : zone imaginaire à défendre au Centre Pompidou, Paris

From FranceFineArt

Du 18 janvier au 3 février 2019, pour sa 14ème édition, Hors Pistes le festival pluridisciplinaire de l’image en mouvement du Centre Pompidou pose un pied sur la Lune – 50 ans après Neil Armstrong – et explore et questionne l’astre sœur de la Terre et ses échos dans le champ de l’image et de l’art contemporain.

Read the full story here.


From Que Faire à Paris

Du 18 janvier au 6 février 2019, pour sa 14e édition, Hors Pistes le festival pluridisciplinaire de l’image en mouvement du Centre Pompidou pose un pied sur la Lune – 50 ans après Neil Armstrong – et explore et questionne l’astre sœur de la Terre et ses échos dans le champ de l’image et de l’art contemporain.

Read the full story here.

Festival Hors Pistes : le Centre Pompidou regarde vers la lune

From Le Journal Des Femmes

Pour sa 14e édition, le Festival Hors Pistes organisé au Centre Pompidou propose une exposition gratuite intitulée “La lune : zone imaginaire à défendre”. Des installations, performances et projections seront à découvrir du 18 janvier au 3 février 2019.

Read the full story here.

Au Centre Pompidou, le festival « Hors Pistes » dans la lune

From The Art Newspaper

Hors Pistes, le festival de l’image en mouvement au Centre Pompidou, ouvrira sa quatorzième édition le 18 janvier sur le thème de la lune.

Read the full story here.

MoonArk Headed to the Centre Pompidou

From School of Art

On January 18th, 2019, the MoonArk will be put on display at the Centre Pompidouas part of the Hors Pistes Festival, in Paris, France. The 14th edition of the multidisciplinary Hors Pistes Festival will focus exclusively on the Moon and its echoes in the field of cinema, contemporary art and thought.

Read the full article here.

The MoonArk Headed to the Centre Pompidou


On January 18th, 2019, the MoonArk (@CMU_MoonArk) will be put on display at the Centre Pompidou as part of the Hors Pistes Festival, in Paris, France. The 14th edition of the multidisciplinary Hors Pistes Festival will focus exclusively on the Moon and its echoes in the field of cinema, contemporary art and thought.

Read the full story here.


From Delano

First, we sent men into space, then we sent art. Professor Chris Welch of theInternational Space University in Strasbourg, whose poetry has been sent into space, showed some of the works of art that have been sent to space at a recent Space Café meeting in Luxembourg.

Read the full story here.

MoonArk: A Museum on the Moon

From Our Region's Business

See the video here.

Greenland’s Hand-Sized Wooden Maps Were Used for Storytelling, Not Navigation

From Atlas Obscura

On September 1, 1884, the Danish explorer Gustav Holm and his men set ashore at the small settlement of Ammassalik (“the place with capelin”), on the eastern coast of Greenland.

Read the full story here.

Il y aura un musée sur la Lune en 2019

From SciencePost

La Lune accueillera en 2019 un musée baptisé MoonArk (ou « Arche lunaire »). Conçu par l’artiste américain Lowry Burgess, plus de 200 artistes venus du monde entier auront participé à la conception de ce petit objet cylindrique haut d’une vingtaine de centimètres et large d’environ cinq centimètres. C’est une œuvre pour la prospérité.

Read the full story here.


From Fredzone

Overall, it is small enough to catch with your fingers or insert into a wallet. At the same time, it is big enough to constitute on its own a “mini-museum”, a “kaleidoscope of life”, an “arch”, as you like, bearing the very essence of human culture. And he will go on … the moon.

Cosmic culture: Nano capsule will take art to the moon

From RT Cosmic Culture

Pockmarked with the remnants of early space exploration, the moon now plays second fiddle to Mars as a potential destination. But a new project aims to revisit the lunar landscape – by rocketing a mini art gallery to Earth’s natural satellite.

Read the full story here.

This Mini Museum Will Land on the Moon in 2019

From Vice

In 1969, a small group of artists managed to smuggle a ceramic wafer onto the Apollo 12 lunar lander. Known as the Moon Museum, this thumbnail-sized chip featured drawings by six famous artists of the era, including a drawing of a dick by Andy Warhol.

Read the full story here.

MoonArk lands at Thrival Festival, Carnegie Museum on way to the moon

From Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The MoonArk, which will debut at this year’s Thrival Festival, aims to break boundaries of Earth, space and time. The artful capsule, part museum and part performing arts center, will reside at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History until Sept. 25, 2018, then be sent to the surface of the moon on an Astrobotic lander in 2019.

Read the full story here.

MoonArk To Be Unveiled at Thrival Festival

From The Piper: Campus & Community News

After nine years and the work of over 300 people, the MoonArk will be unveiled at the Thrival Innovation & Music Festival on Thursday, Sept. 28. It will then be on display in multiple venues before it heads to the moon in 2019.

Read the full story here.

The MoonArk: на Луну отправят образцы современного искусства


Луна уже приютила «каракули» Энди Ворхола, два мячика для игры в гольф и послание от королевы Великобритании. К концу года на спутник Земли отправят сотни новых предметов, многие из которых могут показаться ещё более странными.

Read more here.

Astrobotic, l’entreprise qui va livrer nos objets de Terriens sur la Lune

From France 24

Les poils du labrador, des photos de famille sur cartes micro-SD, des capsules temporelles… Astrobotic veut livrer nos objets de Terriens sur la Lune dès 2019.

Read the full story here.

Nanoarte no MoonArk nos EUA

From Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais

A nanoarte produzida no Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais (CDMF) é uma das protagonistas de dois encontros singulares entre arte e ciência […]. A nanoarte brasileira estará associada, de forma inédita, à aventura humana no espaço no projeto MoonArk (Museu da Lua), nos Estados Unidos, organizado pelo professor Cris Ofescu, por meio das imagens criadas no CDMF por Rorivaldo Camargo, Daniela Caceta, Enio Longo e Ricardo Tranquilin, vencedores de uma etapa da nanoarte, promovida pelo professor norte-americano. “O professor Cris Ofescu criou um novo conceito da Nanoarte colocando as nossas imagens nesse projeto de certa forma insólita, indo para a Lua, associando a nanorarte aos descobrimentos espaciais do homem”, disse Elson Longo, diretor do CDMF.

Read full story here.

From the University of Nevada, Reno to the moon

From Nevada Today

Look to the moon one night in the near future, and among the shiny sea of gray, a speck of a speck, imperceivable to the human eye, will be the work of Siddhartha (Sid) Pathak, University of Nevada, Reno assistant professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering, and two of his undergraduate students, Cordero Nuanez and Cayla Harvey.

Read the full story here.

Artists Send Symphony to the Stars

From Carnegie Mellon University News

Since the beginning of time, people around the world have looked up at the vast sky and wondered, “Is anybody out there?” Carnegie Mellon University Professor of Art and pioneering space artist Lowry Burgess thinks so, and he’s banking on the fact that life forms in space appreciate the arts the same way humans do.

View full story here.

Alcoholic rats, ribless mice and a goat that lactates silk: inside Wellcome’s bizarre animal show

From Wired

Natural history museums allow us to gaze upon the world around us, but our impact on that world is normally ignored. Postnatural history wants to change that

Read the full story here.

Art made by University of Northern Colorado professor going to the moon

From 9 news

A professor at the School of Art and Design at University of Northern Colorado has some artwork that is pretty out of this world.

Well, she is actually having some of her artwork sent to the moon.

Watch video here.

A nightingale’s song is headed for the moon

From Deccan Chronicle

Later this year, Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotic Institute is sending a rover to the moon in competition for the Google Lunar XPRIZE, which promises $30 million to the team that successfully lands a robot on the satellite and sends back high-definition images. Their effort is called the MoonArk, and among its many earthly artifacts will be a recording of a nightingale’s song.

Read full story here.

Artworks to be launched to the Moon

From Charles Darwin University

History will be made later this year when artworks by a Charles Darwin University academic are launched to the Moon.

Images of two works by senior lecturer in visual arts Dr Ioannis Michaloudis were selected recently to feature in the first man-made sculpture to be permanently displayed on the Moon’s surface.

Dr Michaloudis said the sculpture would journey more than 383,000 km to the Moon from the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, United States, aboard the Space X Falcon 9 rocket.

Read full story here.

Darwin ‘space junk’ artist having works rocketed to moon as part of US university experiment

From Australian Broadcasting Corporation

A Darwin academic that recently proposed creating sculptures above the earth’s atmosphere is one step closer to having his dream become a reality — except his artwork will be rocketed to the moon instead.

Read more here.

Meet the Darwin artist, whose sculptures are simply out of this world

From 9 News Darwin

ASTRONOMICAL ART: Meet the Darwin artist, whose sculptures are simply out of this world…

Watch the video here.

A Bird Song for the Moon

From New Yorker

A team from Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute secured $1.75 million in seed money from Google, and is planning to launch its rover later this year. Engineers have reserved six ounces of payload space for an artifact called the MoonArk, which will be deposited on the moon’s surface and has been described as “a deep human gift and gesture for the Moon.”

View the full story here.

JMU Faculty Member’s Art Gets Free Ride to the Moon: Launch Set for 2016

From James Madison University News

It was July 23, 2013, and Mark Rooker, associate professor and area head of the Metals and Jewelry program at James Madison University, was in his hospital room recovering from open-heart surgery when he received an email inviting him to create art for the Moon Arts Project. The project will hitch a ride to the moon in 2016 on a lander being sent by Astrobotic, Inc. in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University in competition for the 30 million dollar Google Lunar XPRIZE.

View the full story here.

MECCO Joins Project to Send Ark to the Moon


MECCO, a leader in the marking and traceability industry, has announced that they have joined Carnegie Mellon University’s Moon Arts Group in a collaborative effort to place a six-ounce capsule known as the MoonArk on the Moon.

Read more here.


A&E Slideshow: The MoonArk

From A&E Mag

The Moon Arts Project, with a team of about 30 artists, designers, scientists and engineers, has conceptualized and created the MoonArk, which will take art and science hand in hand to the harsh realities of space. With advances in modern technology, the MoonArk hopes to be a lasting depiction of life on the polar end of the orb.

View full story here.


Louvre Announces Plan to Launch Satellite Space on the Moon

From Hyperallergic

At a press conference this morning in Paris at the headquarters of France’s national space agency, the president of the Louvre Jean-Luc Martinez announced that the museum plans to open an outpost on the moon by 2026.

Read the full story here.

From Ancient Inuit Maps to Poetry, Researchers Send Art to the Moon

From Hyperallergic

Designed by an international team of artists, scientists, and engineers, the less-than-a-foot tall object is hitching a ride on a rover engineered by Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute that’s competing for the Google Lunar XPRIZE. If the journey proves successful, the MoonArk will land approximately 300 works in space, from ancient maps to poems to digital art.

View the full story here.

A Talk with Nano-Art Pioneer, Alessandro Scali

From L'Italo Americano

Imagine a superior form of extraterrestrial life, endowed with a higher intelligence, landing on the moon’s surface. The alien picks up a human artefact, the size of half a coke can, and opens it: inside, it’s contained the historic milestones of humanity and its creativity across the millennials.

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What’s Inside this Artistic Capsule Headed to the Moon?

From Smithsonian

A small vial containing a drop of blood from 33 artists, a mixture of water from rivers around the world, text messages between a husband and wife, the fingerprints of a journalist and more samples of earthly existence are crammed into an eight-inch-tall capsule headed to the moon. It’s a work of art called the MoonArk, intended to serve as a portrait of humanity, reports Irina Zhorov for NPR.

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Let’s Fly Some Art to the Moon, and Other News

From the Paris Review

The following are things we’re sending to the moon: text messages between a husband and wife, thirty-three artists’ blood, microscopic sculptures, river water, DNA from a genetically modified goat.

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MoonArk aims to put a microcosm of culture on the Moon

From 2 New Things

Much of what we’ve left in space has been done out of practicality. Used pieces of spacecraft, lost satellites, and even dune buggies and garbage don’t get returned to Earth because it would be too difficult or energetically costly do bring it home. Not everything we’ve relocated to the cosmos was a leftover though, as many people would like to make a more proactive statement about our species than just being messy. A project in development now seeks to put a bit more of human culture on the Moon beyond our equipment and sun-bleached flags.

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Blood, perfume and tiny sculptures that can only be seen with a microscope to be sent in ‘ark’ time capsule to the Moon

From Daily Mail

Science and art will work together for a remarkable new project which will see a creative time capsule sent on a one way trip to the moon… The tiny capsule, named the MoonArk, will contain elements representing the arts and humanities and will function as a miniature museum of life on earth.

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An Artistic Time Capsule Prepares To Hitch A Ride To The Moon

From NPR

DNA from a genetically modified goat, a spritz of perfume, sculptures so small you need a microscope to see them.

They’re all headed for the moon.

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The Moon Arts Project, Leaving Traces of Humanity Throughout the Galaxy

From what's up miami

From the ‘small stage that is earth,’ consider the life of light that shines through the entire MoonArk, a pentagonal structure comprised of four independent but interrelated exoskeletal chambers: Earth, Metasphere, Moon, and Ether. 

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Professor’s art entered in Google competition to go on the Moon

From The Breeze

Mark Rooker loves art to the moon and back. But this time his art is there to stay.

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Moonful of Culture

From Carnegie Mellon Today

It’s one small ark for man, one giant ark for mankind—as Carnegie Mellon University’s Moon Arts Project plans to send to the moon artwork representing the history of creativity by Earthlings.

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Carnegie Mellon Is Sending an Impossibly Tiny Art Museum to the Moon

From artnet news

When Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute sends a rover to the moon next year, the space vessel will save room for the MoonArk, an impossibly-compact capsule bearing elements representing the arts and humanities.

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Rover to Carry Earth’s Art to the Moon

From Gadgets 360

A team of international researchers has put together some of the world’s best art, poetry, music, drama, and dance onto small disks and plans to send them to the Moon aboard a rover next year.

The rover developed by the Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute will compete on the Moon for the Google Lunar Xprize, a $30 million (roughly Rs. 190 crores) contest to land a privately funded robot on the lunar surface.

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“Why not get people to look up and think about our spot in the universe, and think about where we are in the greater scheme of things?” — Mark Baskinger

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3D Printed Human Artifacts are Being Sent to the Moon with Hopes of Surviving Billions of Years


The gift comes in the form of what they are calling the “MoonArk,” a project that has been 7 years in the making. This gift will be enclosed in 3D printed chambers, which were printed by 3rd Dimension Industrial 3D Printing, using a 3D Systems ProX200 3D printer.

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9,000 Sketches to be Immortalized on the Moon


A small robot rolls across the surface of the moon. Behind it in the dust, the wheels leave a meandering track as it changes course according to instructions from Earth. These tracks remain unchanged, untouched for years, perhaps centuries or even milennia, until a future visitor discovers them and realizes that the lines describe an image: a drawing created by an artist who contributed to the Moon Drawings project initiated by the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University.

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The Moon Is The Limit

From Daily News Record

A James Madison University professor will leave his mark on the moon indefinitely as part of an art project out of Carnegie Mellon University.

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JMU Artist Gets a Spot on the "MoonArk"


The project team aims to pack as much information as possible into the six ounces of payload they are allotted on the rover, which is tiny. Tiny design is where Mark Rooker from James Madison University comes in. Rooker is a metal smith with expertise in micro metalworking. He has been commissioned to design the structural components of the sculpture.

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We Sent a Dick Pic to the Moon – And We’re Doing it Again


Burgess and his team of artists, designers, and scientists came up with the MoonArk, a series of four themed chambers filled with artifacts offering an artistic glimpse of what was happening on Earth at the time they were made.

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Send Your Art to the Moon

From Mental Floss

Moon Drawings is a project created as part of the Moon Arts Group, an initiative at Carnegie Mellon University. Through May 7, anyone can sketch a drawing on the group’s website, and the drawings will then be etched into a 39mm sapphire disc as part of a sculpture called theMoon Arts Ark. Once it’s loaded into the sculpture, your drawing will be rocketed to the moon aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket sometime in 2016.

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Sending a Message to the Future


Carnegie Mellon’s William Alba Leads Project To Gather Votes On Earth’s Most Important Locations for Lunar Time-Capsule Message

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Carnegie Mellon Moon Arts Ark

From fahrenheit2451

After weeks (months!) of considerations, Carnegie Mellon University has selected our nanoforms to travel to the moon. The university’s Moon Arts Ark project has been carefully crafted for years. This ambitious project was recently awarded 1 million dollars by Google Lunar X Prize for successfully achieving the technical goals set for its lunar landing system (this is the third Milestone Prize won by Carnegie Mellon University and Astrorobotic!)…

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Carnegie Mellon Unveils Lunar Rover ‘Andy’

From Lab Manager

“Every extraterrestrial robot carries some DNA from Carnegie Mellon, but Andy would be the first true CMU robot to make the leap from Earth,” said William “Red” Whittaker, professor of robotics and director of the Field Robotics Center. 

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